Details Expert bases for determining the priorities of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of environment and efficient use of resources and identification of the themes that are most suitable for co-financing from the LIFE program In the framework of the project task, we prepared guidelines on the thematic priorities from the Multi-annual LIFE work program for the period 2014–2017 in the priority area Environment and efficient use of resources, and Environmental management and information for Lot 1: water, including the marine environment. The thematic priorities...
Details Remote sensing of large river hydromorphological characteristics and impact assessment on biotic communities The project’s aim is to identify and compare impacts of different stressors (hydromorphological alterations, pollution, land use), acting on different spatial scales (reach, segment, catchment), on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities in Slovenian large rivers, as well as to analyse the comparability between field survey and remote sensing based hydromorphological...
COHENET – Achieving coherent networks of marine protected areas: analysis of the situation in the Mediterranean Sea Institute for Water of the Repulic of Slovenia (IzVRS) is a regional partner in the COHENET project. The project is led by Belgian consultant ARCADIS, together with Italian Consorzio per il coordinamento delle richerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia – CORILA. Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (Spain) and Hellenic Centre...
DanubeSediment: Restoration of the Sediment Balance in the Danube River In January 2017, the international DanubeSediment project was launched. Goal of the project is to improve the sediment management in the Danube River and its tributaries. IzVRS will collaborate with other institutions in preparation of issues within work packages W2, W3, W4, W5 and W6, but will be mainly focus...
River Basin Adaptation Conference The event, the final conference of the BeWater project, will be held over two days on 7th and 8th March 2017 in Nova Gorica. Published: 11.11.2016News