Water Status Elements in Determining Ecologically Acceptable Flows

Project Details

Ecologically acceptable flow (Qes) is one of the measures for achieving good water status in accordance with the Water Framework Directive. The objectives of the Water Framework Directive, i.e. the good water status, are usually not taken into account when developing methods for determining Qes. The purpose of the study is to find out whether it is possible to achieve good ecological status of watercourses pursuant to the Water Framework Directive using the criteria for ecologically acceptable flow and to design a proposal for supplementing the methodology used to determine ecologically acceptable flows in Slovenia. Since the most common pressures are the result of changes in the hydrological regimes of Alpine watercourses due to small hydro-electric power plants, the project focuses on water consumption in small Alpine watercourses that are needed for the operation of small hydro-electric power plants. In the context of the project, we will:

1. a) review the values of “f” factors to determine Qes and produce an assessment on the appropriateness of these factors in terms of achieving the objectives of the Water Framework Directive,

2. b) identify connections between the results of ecological status assessments and values of hydrological parameters,

3. c) produce a supplemented methodology proposal for determining ecologically acceptable flow that takes into account the elements of ecological status or where the values of hydrological parameters are harmonised with the limit values of good ecological status.

This study will improve our understanding of how hydrological parameters and groups of aquatic organisms are connected as well as provide a proposal for supplementing methods for determining Qes that takes into account the water status elements and the objectives of the Water Framework Directive. With this study, we will contribute to new scientific discoveries and knowledge that can be applied directly in order to achieve the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and sustainable use of resources in Slovenia and Europe.


About the Project

Value of the Project

Contracting Authority

Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije

Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor

Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo in okolje

Project manager

izr. prof. dr. Gorazd Urbanič

Project staff

Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič

Blažo Đurović

Dušan Rebolj

Gregor Kolman

Janko Zakrajšek

Sabina Blumauer

dr. Nataša Smolar-Žvanut

dr. Maja Pavlin Urbanič

dr. Gorazd Kosi

dr. Samo Podgornik

Darko Anzeljc

Maša Čarf

doc. dr. Tina Eleršek

dr. Mojca Hrovat

Aljaž Jenič

Miha Knehtl

dr. Tanja Mohorko

dr. Vesna Petkovska

dr. Rebeka Šiling

dr. Igor Zelnik

Duration of the project



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