Successful end of the project SPARE (Strategic Planning for Alpine Riverine Ecosystems)
From 2016 to 2018, nine project partners from six different Alpine countries had been working together to improve river management and better integrate and balance various human activities with ecosystem conservation. A lot of methods and practices have been analysed, further developed and applied as “adapted models” in SPARE’s five pilot areas: Dora Baltea in Italy, Drôme in France, Inn-Engadine in Switzerland, Soča in Slovenia and Steyr in Austria. The mutual exchange of data, knowledge and experiences in the pilot areas as well as the monitoring and evaluation of these processes feed into common strategies and guidelines. They have been developed by the SPARE team in cooperation with manifold stakeholder groups from the pilot areas, assisted through recommendations of international experts. Key project results such as a “decision and participation workflow” with several participation tools that are adapted to the Alpine space, a database on reference practices for integrated river basin management as well as an Alpine-wide overview of the environmental status and protection priority of rivers will contribute towards a transboundary perspective to better manage our Alpine rivers in the future.
We would like to thank all of you who participated in the project.
More information and online links to projet SPARE outcomes:
More info about the project SPARE:
dr. Sašo Šantl
003861 47 75 367