IWRS participates in the CRP project “Our food, countryside and natural resources in 2022”.
Name: | Katja | |
Surname: | Klančnik | |
Position: | Research Associate | |
Academic title: | Research Associate (Ecology) | |
Education | B.Sc. Biology, PhD | |
Sector | Sector for Marine waters | |
T: | +386 (0)1 4775 342 | |
E: |
Short Biography:
- 10/2010 – 4/2014, Ph.D. in Biology; University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
- 10/2004–9/2009, B.Sc. Biology, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
- 2/2016– present Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia
- 10/2010–1/2016 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
- EEA-ETC/ICM The European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (2014-2018);
- LIFE Project »Adapting to the impacts of Climate Change in the Vipava Valley« ViVaCCAdapt (LIFE15 CCA/SI/000070);
- Strategic Project BALMAS »Ballast water Management system for Adriatic Sea protection«; Cross Border Cooperation IPA 2007-2013.
Selected publications:
Scientific publications:
- Klančnik, K., Gaberščik, A. 2016. Leaf spectral signatures differ in plant species colonising habitats along a hydrological gradient. Journal of plant ecology, 9 (4): doi: 1093/jpe/rtv068: 442-450
- Klančnik, K., Gradinjan, D., Gaberščik, A. 2015. Epiphyton alters the quantity and quality of radiation captured by leaves in submerged macrophytes. Aquatic botany, 120: doi: 1016/j.aquabot.2014.07.007: 229-235
- Klančnik, K., Pančić, M., Gaberščik, A. 2014. Leaf optical properties in amphibious plant species are affected by multiple leaf traits. Hydrobiologia, 737 (1): doi: 1007/s10750-013-1646-y: 121-130
- Toman, M. J., Klančnik, K. 2015. Strokovne podlage za opredelitev vpliva na ekološko stanje Mure ter vpliv na spremembe hidro-morfoloških značilnosti vodnega telesa za OP HE Hrastje-Mota: končno poročilo. Ljubljana. [COBISS.SI-ID 3564111]
- Klančnik, K., Vogel-Mikuš, K., Jezeršek, D., Gianoncelli, A., Kump, P., Gaberščik, A. 2013. Depicting the role of silicon in reflection and transmission of photosynthetically active and UV radiation in monocot plants: Elettra experimental report. Trieste: Elettra. [COBISS.SI-ID 3069263]