Capacity building on Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Turkey
Institute for water of the Republic of Slovenia (IZVRS) is a partner of the Turkish project. Project coordinator is NIRAS IC Sp. z.o.o. (Poland), other project partners are: Milieu Ltd. (Belgium), RAST Muhendislik Hizmetleri Ltd. (Turkey) and National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (Italy).
The overall objective of this project is to achieve a good environmental status in the marine environment in a sustainable manner aligned with the EU Acquis especially the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56 EC) with regard to coastal and marine areas. This project serves as a tool for preserving the marine environment in all Turkish seas, providing main principles for a comprehensive approach while dealing with pressures and impacts deteriorating marine environment.
The purpose of the project is to understand the legal, institutional and technical requirements of the MSFD and to ensure effective decision-making in further steps of the implementation of this Directive in Turkey.
About the project
Project leader
dr. Monika Peterlin
Project staff
dr. Monika Peterlin
Co-financed by
European Union
Project duration
2016 – 2017
dr. Monika Peterlin
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