Monitoring and Assessment in the EU Directive on Bathing Water Quality (2006/7/EC) – Guidance for Member States
The project is financed by the European Commission.
Project Details
The IWRS is participating in the four-year Framework Service Contract for Support to the Implementation of the Water Industry Directives ENV.D.2/FRA/2012/0013 that it entered into on September 2012 and which covers the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EC), the Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) and the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC). The IWRS is one of the six partners in the consortium (UBA, KWR, IWRS, COWI, OIEau and WRc) led by Umweltbundesamt GmbH (UBA) from Austria. In the consortium, the IWRS is responsible for the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) and for applying to the European Commission’s service requests related to the implementation of this Directive.
Monitoring and Assessment in the EU Directive on Bathing Water Quality (2006/7/EC) – Guidance for Member States is a separate contract that follows a service request of the European Commission and executes the above-mentioned Framework Service Contract ENV.D.2/FRA/2012/0013. The following partners participated in the project: UBA (Project Manager), WRc and IWRS. The project was financed by the European Commission.
The objective of this separate contract (valid from 3 May 2013 to 2 March 2014) was to draft a reference document to assist in the uniform understanding of the implementation of the main provisions of the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) regarding monitoring and assessment and to audit the bathing water quality assessment procedure in light of the interpretations adopted in the reference document.
The WRc (UK) was the main organisation responsible for the reference document on bathing water quality monitoring and assessment for EU Member States, while the IWRS participated in its preparation. This included analysis of the questionnaire on the implementation of the EU Directive on Bathing Water Quality (2006/7/EC) in Member States.
The IWRS was responsible for the audit (reviewing and proposing changes) of the bathing water quality assessment procedure that the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine Waters (ETC/ICM) within the European Environment Agency (EEA) employs in making its annual reports on European bathing water quality.
Related Content
- EEA website on the state of bathing water.
- European Commission website on bathing water quality.
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