Natura 2000 Management Programme for Slovenia for the Period 2014–2020 (SI Natura2000 Management)
Project Details
The adoption of the Natura 2000 Management Programme for the 2014–2020 financial period by the Slovenian government was the objective of the project. The programme was prepared under the project funded with the contribution of LIFE+ (a funding mechanism of the European Community). The project partners were the Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, Slovenian Forest Service and the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, while the lead partner was the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. There are currently 354 Natura 2000 sites in the country, of which 323 were identified on the basis of the Habitats Directive and 31 on the basis of the Birds Directive. At Natura 2000 sites, 236 plant and animal species are protected along with 60 habitat types. These sites overlap to a large extent and more than half of the areas proposed under the Habitats Directive are situated on proposed special protection areas under the Birds Directive.
Within the framework of the Natura 2000 Management Programme, the values of detailed protection objectives and the protection objectives themselves were defined for all species and habitat types at all Natura 2000 sites in Slovenia. With the values of detailed protection objectives, we defined the essential requirements that must be met in order to ensure that the species and the habitat types are in a favourable state. A detailed protection objective was defined for each value of detailed protection objectives in response to the state of nature. This objective determines whether the value of the given detailed protection objective should be improved, preserved or restored. All in order to preserve or restore the favourable state of the species and the habitat types. We designated the sectors and persons responsible for the implementation of the protection objectives. Furthermore, concrete sectoral measures were prescribed for some of the species and the habitat types.
About the Project
Value of the Project
Expert bases for determining the priorities of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of environment and efficient use of resources and identification of the themes that are most suitable for co-financing from the LIFE program
In the framework of the project task, we prepared guidelines on the thematic priorities from the Multi-annual LIFE work program for the period 2014–2017 in the priority area Environment and efficient use of resources, and Environmental management and information for Lot 1: water, including the marine environment. The thematic priorities...
Remote sensing of large river hydromorphological characteristics and impact assessment on biotic communities
The project’s aim is to identify and compare impacts of different stressors (hydromorphological alterations, pollution, land use), acting on different spatial scales (reach, segment, catchment), on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities in Slovenian large rivers, as well as to analyse the comparability between field survey and remote sensing based hydromorphological...
Monitoring of the river ecosystem on water licence area on the river Soča
In this project our task is to monitor the impact of hydropower plant operation on river Soča ecological status/potential, specifically on biological quality elements, hydrological, and physico-chemical quality elements according to the current legislation.