QUIETMED Project – Joint programme on noise (D11) for the implementation of the second cycle of the MSFD in the Mediterranean Sea
Institute for water of the Republic of Slovenia (IZVRS) is a partner of the QUIETMED project. Project coordinator is Centro Technologico Naval y del Mar (Spain), other project partners are: Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (Spain), Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain), Service hydrographique et oceanographique de la marine (France), Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Italy), Permanent Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Sea (Monaco), The Conservation Biology Research Group, the University of Malta (Malta), Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (Croatia) and Foundation for research and technology – Hellas (Greece).
QUIETMED project aims to improve the level of coherence and the comparability of the implementation of the Second Cycle of the Marine Directive (MSFD) as regards Descriptor 11 – underwater noise implementation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin Region by enhancing cooperation among Member States (MS), the Barcelona Convention and other third no-Eu countries. Common approaches to GES and the definition of thresholds, guidance on methodologies and policy recommendations for the review of the national assessment and the environmental targets and a regional joint register on impulsive noise will be set.
Activities of IZVRS on the QUIETMED Project:
- Extensively review the national 2012 assessment (MSFD, Article 8) of descriptor 11 ‐ underwater noise and develop recommendations to MS to update it in a consistent manner taking into account the regional approach;
- Common understanding and GES assessment methodology both impulsive and continuous noise in the Mediterranean;
- Perspectives on the definition of threshold for underwater noise at Mediterranean;
- Standards and joint recommendations for hardware calibration and signal processing;
- Preparatory study for the development of the common register for impulsive noise;
- Networking with other projects and initiatives;
- Workshops.
QUIETMED project supports measures of the European Community in the field of marine environmental policy as required by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
About the Project
Total project budget
971.867,00 EUR
EU contribution (80%)
777.493,60 EUR
Own contribution (20%)
194.373,40 EUR
Total IzVRS budget
89.524,26 EUR
EU contribution (80%)
71.619,41 EUR
Own contribution – MESP (20%)
17.904,85 EUR
Project leader
dr. Andreja Popit
Project Staff
Gašper Zupančič
Karin Kompare
Co-financed by
European Commission
Project duration
2017 – 2018
dr. Andreja Popit
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