QUIETMED Project – Joint programme on noise (D11) for the implementation of the second cycle of the MSFD in the Mediterranean Sea

QUIETMED project aims to improve the level of coherence and the comparability of the implementation of the second cycle of the Marine Directive (MSFD) as regards Descriptor 11 – underwater noise implementation in the Mediterranean Sea Basin Region by enhancing cooperation among Member States (MS), the Barcelona Convention and other...

Project MEDCIS – Support Mediterranean Member States towards coherent and coordinated implementation of the second phase of the MSFD

MEDCIS project aims to facilitate the implementation of the next phase of MSFD by and providing the criteria and methodological standards, towards coordinated approaches between MSs. We will focus on Mediterranean regional/subregional cooperation and standardization, and recommend suitable approaches for this region to ensure consistency in the approaches selected by...

Project UWWTD – Framework Service Contract »Water for Citizens«, Service Request »Assessment of Member States Reporting under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive«

Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia (IZVRS) participates in the Framework Service Contract »Water for Citizens« for the service request »Assessment of Member States Reporting under the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive«. In cooperation with the consortium, IZVRS prepared national reports on the fulfillment of the requirements that...
